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What Steps Do You Need to Take When You Employ Someone New? 

There are a lot of things that your business needs to take into account and remember to do in your accounts and books with new employees. We understand that this can be complicated so here is all of the information you could need about employing someone for the first time.

PAYE for Your New Employee

PAYE is a method of paying income tax and national insurance for your employees. This is how you as an employer deduct the tax and national insurance from wages. 

Employee Payroll and Wages

Employee Payroll and Wages can be tricky for any employer, here are the details of what needs to be included and the minimum national wage. 


There is also information about how Lunfoot can help your Business with Payroll. 

Contracts, HMRC and Pensions

What do you have to provide to HMRC and what do you have to provide to your employee? All the legal regulations that will keep your accounts looking great. All the information you need to know when you have a new employee. 

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